Thursday, December 02, 2004

medicinal marijuana

Already put up this Slate link on Steady Bloggin about the latest political issues surrounding medicinal marijuana. Here's something from a scientific perspective:

Scientific American: December 2004 issue
The Brain's Own Marijuana
By Roger A. Nicoll and Bradley N. Alger
Research into natural brain chemicals that act like those in marijuana could suggest new treatments for pain, anxiety and other conditions

Haven't read this yet, but on the surface, it seems to add credence to the fact that marijuana has legitimate medicinal uses.

I'll wait for a future post to get into the hypocrisy of a legal/political/economic system that makes it illegal to use medicine that you can grow for yourself, but OTOH has produced and encourages the use of all kinds of synthetic compounds.

The words "economic" and "synthetic" are key there: it's in the interests of the pharmaco-industrial complex to restrict medicines to compounds that you have to pay them to synthesize. I'll try to develop these ideas in future posts...


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